The school year is winding down, and so are school activities. A couple of weeks ago I went with one hundred high school students to a place called Sokrisan Youth Centre for our high school retreat, where much fun was had. There were many activities. For me, though, the highlight of this trip was a Korean game that the boys started playing. It just says so much about Korea. So much. I will let it speak for itself.
Peg the Horse from Laura Sanders on Vimeo.
What I love most about this is after all this elaborate discussion, planning, and effort of execution, none of it has any bearing on who the winner is. Rather, the winner is determined by a round of Rock Paper Scissors. (You can hear them playing at the end when they're yelling "Kye bye bo!")
I have no idea what I just saw, but it looks fun (and possibly painful?). Glad you're having fun, and so glad you get to go home for a rest (but have you been gone for a month and drunk since you left?)
Haha I remember this, Ms. Sanders!
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